How I store my new Dyes & Labeling Dye Jars
When I was at a friend of mine’s house for a Pysanky play date she showed me how she keeps her dyes in a nice binder (thank you Sue C !). I loved the idea. You can see below how I made a custom Ukrainian Easter Egg Dyes binder for myself to store new dye packets for future use. The binder itself I got at Staples. It has a Clear insert the front, side and back pockets. I made a nice cover at my sign shop and printed it on card stock and slide into the cover and one for the binder side pocket for easy recognition. The interior inserts are clear pocket packets I also got at Staples. I have different sections for each different brand of dyes, as shown here is a page with Pysanky USA Dyes. I usually always have at least one back up dye on hand and if not it is easy to figure out what I need to order.
Next you can see how I label each of my dye jars, with the name of the color and then with my label maker I add the date when I made the dye along with the brand so as it gets weak or too old I will know that it is time to mix a new dye. I still have many dyes mixed from 2018 currently that are working just great. Occasionally I add a tablespoon of white vinegar to ones that may seem a bit weak and that usually works well….if not then I will replace the dye. There are at times when I will sometimes just replace all dyes at once or at least half of them because I usually have about 23-24 colors always on hand. This Easter Egg Dyes Binder idea is new to me so it did not make it into my book. Remember my book MAKING PYSANKY – My Journey is filled will all the things that
I have learned over the many years of making pysanky. Enjoy !