Visit to see Helen Badulak – Master of Pysanky at THE ARTFUL EGG in Oley, Pa
On Friday 1/18/19 on my way out to an egging weekend at a Friend’s house in Hershey, PA I stopped by to pay a visit to “The Artful Egg” in Oley, PA to visit with Helen Badulak – author of the wonderful book “PYSANKY in the 21st Century”. The shop run by her talented daughter and pysanky artist Nina Badulak-McDaniel was just incredible. THE ARTFUL EGG has thousands of pysanky mostly done by Helen and family but they also had eggs for sale of several other famous artist too. They were gracious hosts and I bought a couple of Helen’s wonderfully intricate eggs of which I’ll post once I get them in my cabinet the way I want them to be displayed. Nina gave my sister and myself a tour of the whole place and Helen gave a tour of her private work space. She is by far the most intricate pysanky artist and to this day I strive to obtain her perfection. She like myself was mainly self taught. By observing her intricate eggs and talking with her at egg shows I gained a lot of technique tips. In my book I credit her talent as a huge inspiration. She was/is so willing to share her knowledge and if you do not have her book in your collection it is a MUST HAVE! Pictured here is Nina her daughter, myself and Helen holding my book which they had purchased last year and wanted me to sign it since I was there in person. Helen and I have spoken prior to this visit last Spring when I traveled to watch her speak and do a demonstration. I was honored that she had the kindest words to say about my own book. So to conclude here….THE ARTFUL EGG in Oley, PA is a must do visit if you can….anyone will be amazed at vast amount of INCREDIBLE STUNNING eggs in one place.