Since the pandemic started over 4 years ago my work life changed drastically and work has consumed so much of my time. I have only written eggs a few times in that period and now I am getting back to Making Pysanky.
I have missed my art and seeing all those eggs on my Facebook groups really has me inspired.
First I needed to re-make all my dyes. Dyes can last many years and most of mine were last made in 2018 and 2019 and though some of them are still good, I find it best to every so often clean all the jars out and just make fresh dyes for a fresh start. I call it Spring Dye Cleaning. In total I had about 21 jars of different colors, but for my fresh start I am making 14 new jars of the most basic colors I like to use. With time I am sure I will add more to the mix, but at this time I do not need colors such as Pumpkin and Gold. It’s always important to follow the directions on the dye packages exactly and I recommend always using distilled water. Labeling your jars with the color, date and dye provider is very helpful.
With Lent just around the corner and traveling to Hershey Eggventure last weekend I’m very inspired. I always wanted to do what Amelia Randich has done in the past is to write an egg each day for lent. If you have not seen her work she does such beautiful traditional pysanky and I certainly favor the traditional. Truth be told an egg a day is not exactly going to happen because there are days I will be out of town, but still I want to add what I can daily to my passion. A little work each day is my goal. Getting started I felt rusty but like Helen Badulak professed it takes practice and that is what I have begun. You will see in these pictures I’m practicing my lines and drawing animals. The white eggs in this post are just new practice eggs and will not be finished. The other eggs in this post were done at the Catskill Pysanka Workshop May 2023. Currently I am varnishing my eggs from Hershey and will post them soon.
Welcome back….Slava Ukraini !